Blog of Xan
Tuesday, 27. April 2021
Not quite as inactive
Finally took the old paper garbage out and had a variety of foods.
Starting with a salad, going for two vegan pieces of Schnitzel with potato wedges and then later some toast.

It was overall a good day, quiet and relaxing, the way I enjoy them most.

Need it as tomorrow and the day after I am having ten hour shifts.

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Monday, 26. April 2021
Starting well and ending well
Night shift started with kids on the tracks. Great.
No one got hurt, but it's not what you want to hear when you do 12 hours.

Rest of the night was quiet, I am now home with a coffee and trying to get through the monday.

Sunday was rather calm, not much going on, some games, took a bath and otherwise having a good day.

Later leftover chinese food.

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Saturday, 24. April 2021
Can only go up from here
Day started early at 6.30 after I sorta had a little breakdown last evening.
Must have been the food, I felt terrible before bedtime and not better after waking up.
Took a hearty meal and lots of drinking to improve.
I assume I didn't drink enough.

Played some games, watched TV, nothing spectacular, chill day.

Tomorrow evening a night shift again, last one this month for real and then two (rather 1 and a half) days off.

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